martes, 14 de mayo de 2013


Their dancing shows stages of their history with different movements, from slavery till freedom, both groups reflect African folklore. Probably the location, the environment where the company dances. Alvin Ailey its more formal than the dancing of palenqueros.

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

Personal Culture

Hobbies, Sports or any kind of music make us a part of one or various specific subcultures that together can define our own personal culture.

For example Vallenato or Musica Popular could define how is people who likes each gender. Inclusive could made relation with age, and social class and other points that are part of what a person is.

Economic Empowerment for Women

I think erika patricia was one of the better options from de possibles choices because she have a clear idea of what she want to do and have a lot of energyes. She is looking for an opportunity and marginal cost are lower in contrast with the other women for these...

"so her Kiva loan will be a success"

Matatu drivers 


 We could saw in the video that BBC treated matatus drivers well despite all the inconvenient at the begining with the cops and de aptitudes of his workmates, because the are really interested in the survey style of live and the way they see life, matatus see life like a battle that they have to face daily to get money for their families..

Saddly there are in barranquilla dual positions of thinking about mototaxistas but i really think that the majority think something like if they arent robbers, they must be lazy man that does not want to do any other productive activity.

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

My favorite carnival moment

My favorite carnival moment was the "Carnaval de los niños", I felt how the litlle children  appropriate and make theirs our traditions. Also I share with my sister who is my whole live.

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

Video About Tuareg Culture

In the video of Tuareg culture we can see how they are deeply rooted in their customs. No matter how simple could be a tradition, face them makes them feel happy and free.
i think that know the meaning of the lyrics permit us get a deeper contact with the culture and ideas that people of tuareg culture wants to transmit us and understood it in a better way all that they are.

An American in Uganda.

Is sad to see how the human being has become such a selfish individual, and as consequence of that it find himself hard to live in community.

That said, we can see how "white man" find really difficult to even tolerate the activiities that "Black man" use to do everyday. Nowadays people usually feel as the center of the universe and claim that everything that happens around them because or against them.

We had concentrate our lives so much in living how we want without caring how the otherone feel that sometimes  forget how easy is to listen and just comprehend that we cannot change everything to our convenience. We had forgotten how to listen, how to aprecciate te little things and understand that we actually leave between humans, we are not alone.

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

Barranquilla - 2013 Cultural Capital

Barranquilla was chosen by the International Bureau of Cultural Capitals as the American Capital of Culture 2013 becouse the recognition of the city as a center of popular culture, a place for get in the best way relax  and fun, Barranquilla is the carnival city.
There´s a lot of benefits that barranquilla could get through Barranquilla as the capital of culture, Xavier Tuleda Bureau´s president said  "For the city's clear commitment to make culture a strategic element of social cohesion, civic revitalization, economic development and international promotion,"

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

I Have To Say Hello!

My name is Maria Helena, I stydy economy i am in 5th semester, I dream of being able to help in the future my country with the economic development linked to social development,, the most important thing in my life is my family, my little sister, gina That have 8.

About myself  I can say that I love horseback riding, hanging out with my friends, spend time with my family and i have to say that for me when i sleepy take a nap could be an interesting option no matter what hour of day, the important is the time.